29 may 2012


Human multitasking is the best performance by an individual of appearing to handle more than one task at the same time. An example of multitasking is taking phone calls while typing an email. Some believe that multitasking can result in time wasted due to human context switching and apparently causing more errors due to insufficient attention.
Some researchers say that is difficult or impossible to learn new information while engaging in multitasking.

New technologies can be used to introduce new information but it is difficult to print it in pupil's mind if they are not focused. My idea is to support the new information with sounds and gestures, giving students the possibility to print it in their easiest brain way.Sometimes, I show on the digital board a power point presentation of new contents while they are working on a small group activity. They are able to take info from the board...

This is the moment when I consider I can take advantage of their capacity to do different things at the same time, multitasking. Try to show them on a TV or a digitalframe situated beside them, a series of images of the taught contents at the same time you are reviewing the module contents on the board.
Try to do it 5 minutes before an exam.

www.onlineschools.org offers us this info in which the graphic below breaks down the costs multitasking takes on the quality of the "study hours" we wile away doing just about everything but studying:

Online Learning and Multitasking
The graphic shows the necessity of an accurate ICT Plan worked through subject contents. Digital competence has to be develop in favour of an easier and faster learning in the future. 

This is the case of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Dr. Howard Gardner). It is a theory that consists of the classification of a unique term, intelligence. Intelligence is the capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding and similar forms of mental activity. It was thought as one and unique term which by studies has been divided into concrete capacities.
 ‘We are as different from one another on the inside of our heads as we appear to be different on the outside’ (Robert Fulghum). 
We all belong to the same species and we have got similar behaviours and outside similarities. Every single person depends on his capacities and especially on the abilities he develops along his life. It would be a good idea to make our pupils think about what is the easiest way to grasp information. Pupils have to figure out that there is a natural, innate capacity that makes them different and that can be used to his favour, (Herbert Puchta). When I first learnt how to lace up my shoes I found all the ways complicated, so finally I chose my way.


Dr. Howard Gardner classified the term intelligence into his Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Originally there were seven and the latest studies have included two more. These strengths show ways to acquire a piece of information and no one is more important or better than the other.

1.    Logical Mathematical Intelligence: It is the capacity of understanding patterns, of solving problems. In terms of language it is related to grammar. Logic-smart.
2.    Linguistic Intelligence:  It is focused on learning using and comprehending written or spoken words. It allows us to use languages in a meaningful way. Word-smart.
3.    Bodily – kinaesthetic Intelligence: The strength of coordination, balance and skill involving the body. It is required movement. Sometimes it demands guiding processes in which the body energy is used in a positive way. Body-smart.
4.    Visual – Spatial Intelligence: Using and recognizing patterns and open space. This capacity involves learning processes based on visual support, diagrams, images, etc. Picture-smart.
5.    Musical Intelligence: The ability to play and write music. The sense of rhythm, melodies and being able to learn by songs. Music-smart.
6.     Interpersonal Intelligence: The social interaction capacity that allows people to communicate with and understand others. The skill of a leader and a person that is capable to work in a team. People-smart.
7.    Intrapersonal Intelligence: The capacity to enjoy learning alone and that permits you to understand and accept yourself. The strength that permits us to control our emotions, our self steam and be confident within oneself. Self-smart.
8.    Naturalistic Intelligence: The capacity to notice things in nature, the way to classify things and processes that take place in the natural environment. A valuable survivor skill.
9.    Existential Intelligence: The ability to make questions about life, death and ultimate realities.


There are some key points about this Theory that are important to bear in mind (Thomas Armstrong):
·       Each person possesses all intelligences in different levels and intensities.
·       Most people can develop their intelligence to an adequate level of competency.
·       There are many ways to be intelligent within each category. There is a more developed strength in all of us.
·       Intelligences usually work together in complex ways.

'One who makes no mistakes, makes nothing at all' Giacomo Casanova
'At the end, It´s not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years' Abraham Lincoln

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